TV for RV Parks and Campgrounds Specialty TVs or Set Top Boxes No Longer Required With the NEW receiver-less HD TV systems on the market, your RV Park or Campground no longer have to use Set Top Boxes for each site to have Digital HD TV delivered to your guests. A...
TV for Assisted Living, Senior Living, and Healthcare Pro:Idiom TVs or Set Top Boxes No Longer Required With the NEW receiver-less HD TV systems on the market, you no longer have to buy expensive specialty TVs or use Set Top Boxes in each room to have...
1st let us say Happy New Year! from all of us at Its All About Satellites. It is our prayer that 2020 is a happy and prosperous year for all of you. In 2019, change has been a constant. Especially in tech and entertainment. How people access the video entertainment is...
Congratulations Armando! Our Field Service Manager Armando Lopez has had an eventful and exciting June. 1st he celebrated his 10th anniversary with Its All About Satellites. The best and most knowledgeable Field Services manager in the industry! Then he turned 40. For...
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Catherine Pratt, our Customer Service Manager, on Sunday April 28th. Catherine has been a shining light in our office since she joined us in 2011. All of you that have interacted with her on the phone or in our...
TV for RV Parks and Campgrounds Time for a Cable Plant Wellness Check for your RV Park What We Do For You We do a complete system evaluation of your cable TV infrastructure and system. From the headend in your office then through every wire, splitter, and tap to the...
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