DIRECTV for RV Parks and Campgrounds
Satellite TV for RV Parks and Campgrounds
RV Parks and Campgrounds have specific needs and challenges in providing television service that other hospitality businesses do not face.
One of the most sought after amenities when searching for a campground is whether or not the facility will have full hook ups. For most that includes free to guest TV. This is an important part of a potential guests decision to stay at your RV Park / Campground or to stay elsewhere.
With Cable TV providers going all digital, you now have to use a converter box to utilize Cable TV. That means handing out a converter box and remote to each camper and then hoping to get it back. It means staff time spent answering questions and helping guests hook up the converter box. Even if you have a deposit on the box, if you don’t get it back, it means a hassle for your staff when they are not returned.
So how do you keep your guests happy and provide free to guest TV that you can afford?
TV Systems for RV Parks & Campgrounds
There are two types of digital TV Systems for RV Parks
One type is the Cable TV model. This requires a converter box for each camper.
The 2nd type of RV Park or Campground TV Systems is a Headend System.
No converter boxes needed.
The COM3000 Headend from Technicolor
The COM3000 Headend is a perfect solution for RV Parks and Campgrounds.
The COM3000 works on the existing cable plant in your park without the need for a converter box or set top receiver for each camper, so you don’t have the hassle of the converter boxes & remotes or the substantial additional costs of new fiber being run.
The COM3000 can send out a digital signal that will immediately double the resolution of the cable signal without the need for converter boxes. (The resolution of the picture displayed will depend on the type and resolution of the TV each camper has.)
In addition the COM3000 has features that will make your TV system a more integral part of your camper’s experience at your park and in many cases a profit center as well.
- The COM3000 has the same On-Screen Program Guide from the leading satellite TV provider, so for many of your campers this the guide they are already used to using at home.
- The COM3000 has the ability to utilize a Welcome Screen Channel that can be used to promote amenities at your RV Park or Campground
- The COM3000 has the ability to insert local programming (produced in-house) such as ads for your local pizza place, restaurants or local attractions. The locally inserted programming are static pages and you can rotate several images on a single channel.
- The COM3000 headend takes up much less space than a typical Analog Headend
(The system to the right can accommodate 138 channels in the small rack pictured)
- The COM3000 requires less than 25% of the power consumption of older, analog headends
Watch TV on Any Internet Connected Device
Today your campers want to watch TV and Videos on their Smartphone, Tablet, and Laptop as well as on a TV. You can make that possible for your guests when you use our IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) TV system that makes it possible to Stream TV over Your WiFi.
Some examples of IPTV Streaming you may be familiar with are Video on Demand and Netflix, HBOMax, and Disney +. Streaming is quickly becoming popular due to trends towards internet connected mobile devices.
For more info about Streaming Live TV, Click Here

TV Programming Packages for RV Parks
With DIRECTV you can treat your guests to over 100 channels from 8.99 per month per unit (+ applicable local sales tax)
Programming packages start at only $4.99 per month per unit (+ applicable local sales tax).
You can give your guests the same channels they already like at home. We’ll help you configure the best TV package for your RV Parks needs.
Ask How You Can Get 3 Months of Programming On Us!
Offers end 12/31/24. New or renewing approved H&I customers only. 3, 5 or 7 year programming agreement required. Credit card required (except MA & PA). Early Cancellation Fee may apply. To access DIRECTV HD service, HD equipment req’d. Number of HD channels varies based on package
For more information on TV Systems
and TV Programming Packages
for Your RV Park or Campground
Call Barry at 800-951-1979 Today
Availability of DIRECTV service may vary by location. In certain markets, programming/pricing may vary. Hardware and programming available separately. Receipt of DIRECTV programming subject to terms of the DIRECTV Terms of Service for Hospitality Establishments and the DIRECTV Terms of Service for Institutions; copy provided with new customer information packet. Taxes not included. DIRECTV programming, hardware, pricing, terms and conditions subject to change at any time.
PURCHASING GUIDELINES: All rates are per subscriber unit per month with a minimum of $25 per property per month in programming services. The property does not have to display all feeds or channels in a package. Blackout restrictions and other conditions apply to sports programming. All programming and pricing subject to change. Subscriber units are defined as follows: Hotel/Motel: total number of available rooms; Hospital: total number of televisions in patients’ rooms on premises; Dormitory, Office Building, All Others: total number of cable drops connected to delivery system. $25 per property per month minimum not required for activation of local channels.
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