FREE Trial of HBO, STARZ, Cinemax, and ENCORE November 25-December 1 on DIRECTV
Tired of missing out on the best premium entertainment on TV? Miss out no more. All this week—from November 25 to December 1—during our FREE trial of HBO, STARZ, Cinemax, and ENCORE, you can catch hit shows like Treme and Spartacus, and big-screen blockbusters like The Life of Pi, The Bourne Legacy, Zero Dark Thirty, and much more for FREE. Like what you see and want to continue enjoying these networks after the free trial? Just add the channels to your everyday lineup.
You’ll find the HBO channels on 501-511, STARZ and ENCORE channels on 525-542, and Cinemax channels on 515-523. Visit our HBO, STARZ, and Cinemax pages to find out what’s on.